I invite You to a world of books written by me under my pen names of Joanna Kurczak and J.M. Kæ. A world of witty humor-packed romance, romantic suspense, and poetry inspired by life itself and the imagination of the heart!
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I am a native of Poland and my life now belongs in Chicago. Romance and Romantic Suspense fill pages of the books I have written with a passion to create stories that motivate the reader to whisper... "One more page, please..."
I am a witty wife and a loving mother of three wonderfully rambunctious children who help me see the virtues of life each and every day.
My heart is filled to the brim while spending time at the beach and roaming the shore for shells, memories, and inspiration!
1) "Kindness speaks all languages."
2) "Live a life steeped in courage and know that Your words have the power to heal."
3) "To live life to the fullest is to find the courage to face a new day, a new adventure, and a new challenge with a smile on Your face and kindness in Your heart."
Challenges are lessons of light often hidden beneath the pain.
Life writes in the most mysterious of ways. If You allow the heart to guide the path before You, what awaits is the journey as fulfilling as the destination itself.
The ability to make someone smile is the ability to make their day brighter even for that one brief moment in time. Never let that chance pass You by.
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"Not every hero hides their dark side. Some choose it."
When Jay J. Monroe visits his great-great-grandfather’s grave at the Hollywood Cemetery in the dead of night, the last thing he expects is coming face to face with a mysterious woman not afraid to shield him from flying bullets.
He is a man of honor and valor. He is the youngest President of the United States of America ever elected for the office. But along with the victories, the Presidency comes with perils he was not ready for, and his wife paid the price for it while saving his life during one of the assassination attempts.
Now wiser, J.J. is forced to face a conspiracy he is not prepared for. And a woman he is not ready to love. Especially when the mysterious Luna Alistair turns out to be the reality-defying mind reading assassin sent after him.
Will she save his life again? Or will she go through with orders from her superiors that will put an end to their love, and his life?
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"Not every assassin lacks conscience. Some pursue it."
When Rigel Alistair enters the office of the Mayor of Chicago to investigate a murder, the last thing he expects is to find the witness to the crime bearing the same name as his late mother.
He is a former assassin hiding his true identity under an alias in the Special Task Force unit of the Chicago Police Department. Rigel soon realizes his life is about to change. Not because the crime scene evidence challenges his mind-reading abilities, but because he figures out the Mayor's new intern holds the key to uncovering his family’s past.
Jade Alistair is fragile, frightened, and… utterly oblivious to the fact she got under Rigel’s skin the moment he saves her from falling after losing her footing. She, too, has a past she would rather keep from resurfacing.
Will Rigel be able to keep his true identity from Jade? Or will risking it all to save her life from the real murder suspect prove to be the ultimate test of his bravery?
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"Not every assassin hides a weakness. Some overcome it."
When Caelum Alistair makes his way home from his brother's wedding, the last thing on his mind is human interaction. Finding out his parents did not lose their lives was one thing. Finding out they staged their own deaths on purpose was another. But that is just the beginning of a twist of Fate he never saw coming...
He is an assassin. A wisecrack with a cocky tongue too quick for his own good. That all changed the day he was accused of taking a bribe - a bribe he never took.
Emmeline Endino is a widow and a mother, trying her best to escape from the man who threatens to kidnap her daughter and get rid of her.
Will Caelum get over his fear of trusting someone else with his life? Or will his inability to commit to love cost him everything - even what he stands to gain...
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"Not every assassin fears relationships. Some hope for it."
When Perseus Alistair sets out to rescue a family in distress deep in the Tatry Mountains, he has no idea he is about to come face to face with the woman linked to his parents’ untimely demise.
He is an assassin with an impressive talent for taking his targets out from the comfort of his secret office thanks to his incomparable tech skills. He breaks his golden rule, though. A rule no assassin should ever forget. He lets his guard down. It is a mistake that results in irreversible consequences.
Andromeda Angelis is a mother on the run from a ruthless man with one mission on his mind - to dispose of her and their sons.
Will Perseus turn her over to the authorities? Or will he keep her survival a secret - not because she trespassed on his property, but because she gains mind-reading skills after he saves her life…
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Andrea Prenzzoni, a famous Italian singer, and heartthrob, seeks refuge on a secluded beach in Trinidad and Tobago with his daughter after a bitter and nightmarish divorce. He needs his privacy. He needs to heal. He needs to find balance and peace in his life. Little does he know that fate will bring all of that to him, and then some, in the form of a rather reluctant and unexpected neighbor.
Gabriella Vittoriani, a journalist who resigns from her job at a well-known New York Magazine, finds herself on the same secluded beach in Trinidad and Tobago as Andrea. With no way out of two months' worth of a rental agreement for a run-down cottage that barely holds up the walls under a roof that all but caves in on her, she pulls up her sleeves and decides to make the best of what fate dealt her. She seeks time to heal after quitting her job. Little does she know that she will soon come face-to-face with the man who is solely responsible for her resignation.
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"Surrender Your faults to me
For they are my own undoing
Accept me for who I am
Accept me with all of my pain...
The world without You is gone
Each moment entangled in You
Each breath filled with Your love
Past sorrows long gone from my heart...
To live without You is dying
My arms so numb without Yours
My heart ripped from my chest
Surviving alone no longer an option..."
The broken heart poetry is a journey through love, loneliness, and the yearning for what's been lost.
Words of inspiration that will help You believe there is growth in the healing process, and that love for Yourself has the power to heal all wounds, especially the invisible ones...
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Sometimes running from the past paves the path to true love...
When Giovanni Matteo crosses paths with a mystery woman who pays no attention to his boundaries, he knows he has to disappear, to run as far from her as possible.
He was used to the glitz, glamour, and International limelight, but his life was ruined when his former fiancé lied to the tabloids to benefit her own career. He was accussed of things he never committed, and dismissed sooner than the ink dried off the press.
Though he thought he healed from the past, one gaze from a woman who causes his heart to beat again forces him to flee once more. Too bad she ends up exactly where he intends to hide away from the rest of the world. In a quaint little safe haven in the Colorado Mountains.
It's up to him now to own up to his feelings, or to fail at love because of the shadows of his past...
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Matteo Sebastian, a sole heir to his father's fortune following his sudden passing, tries to heal while keeping his identity hidden because of his wicked stepmother's plan to come after him. He falls hard for a feisty barista Arianna De Luca. She blames him for moving into the house of her dreams, accuses him of rude manners, and falls for him just as hard.
Despite her reluctance toward the secretive Italian bachelor, Arianna cannot fight her feelings for long. Especially when her best friend continues to point out the obvious.
Will their love be strong enough to survive when Matteo's stepmother shows up to point out their differences?
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When Caldean washes ashore, injured and barely alive, he has no idea Fate would soon force him to conceal his true identity. He is a fearsome pirate known in all the Isles of Nauru, with a bounty on his head.
When Corrine Beauford finds Caldean, she vows to save him. Even if she is the niece of his enemy - the British.
In a case of mistaken identity, Caldean plays the part of Nauruan royalty while falling in love with Corrine. But reality deals them a heavy blow. She is to marry General Oliver Campbell - the man responsible for destroying Caldean's pirate ship in a shipwreck fueled by betrayal.
Will General Oliver Campbell recognize Caldean? Will Caldean escape Duke Beauford's estate? Or will he risk it all in the name of love?
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What lies in the person's past cannot be changed. It cannot be persuaded to disappear into nonexistence.
Nor should it...
Deb Storm was a perfect example of that. Hesitant at first, Deb agrees to travel to Cappadocia with a mysterious travel companion, who opens her heart to Turkey's culture, its history, and so much more. All because she chose to honor her birthday wish and lifelong dream to one day stand on the breathtaking isle of Maiden's Tower.
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Available in Paperback, and Hardcover format
Andrea Prenzzoni. Słynny włoski piosenkarz i międzynarodowy łamacz serc. Po gorzkim rozwodzie Andrea wraz z córką szuka schronienia i upragnionej samotności na ustronnej plaży w Trynidadzie i Tobago. Musi odnaleźć równowagę i spokój w swoim życiu. Nie wie, że los przyniesie mu to wszystko, i o wiele więcej, w postaci dość nieoczekiwanej sąsiadki.
Gabriella Vittoriani. Znana i ceniona dziennikarka. Gabriella rezygnuje z pracy w znanej gazecie w Nowym Jorku i przez czysty przypadek trafia na tę samą ustronną plażę Trynidadu i Tobago co Andrea. Nie mając szans na anulowanie dwumiesięcznej umowy najmu podupadłego domku, który grozi zawalemiem się w każdym momencie, Gabriella postanawia jak najlepiej wykorzystać swój przekorny los. Nie wie jednak, że stanie twarzą w twarz z mężczyzną, który jest odpowiedzialny za jej rezygnację z pracy.
Czy oboje stawią czoła wezwaniu losu... razem?
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Available in Paperback, and Hardcover format
Matteo Sebastian, spadkobierca międzynarodowej firmy z branży nieruchomości, myśli, że po śmierci ojca najlepszym rozwiązaniem będzie wyjazd z dala od wszystkich. Ma rację. Ale nie spodziewa się, że znajdzie miłość w oczach zadziornego baristy odpornej na jego włoski urok.
Iskry lecą do nieba gdy Matteo próbuje ukryć swoją tożsamość, zakochując się w Ariannie De Luca. Ona obwinia go o to, że przeprowadził się do jej wymarzonego domu na przepięknej wyspie Kaptiwa w Zatoce Meksykańskiej, zarzuca mu złe maniery i... równie mocno się w nim zakochuje. Dopóki niegodziwa macocha Matteo nie przypomina Ariannie, że nigdy nie dorówna komuś takiemu jak on.
Czy będą walczyć o miłość? Czy może ulegną trudnej rzeczywistości podwójnych standardów obowiązujących na świecie?
If You are interested in purchasing a book box with an autographed copy of one or more books as a gift set for Yourself or a friend, please feel free to message me!
As always, remember that words have the power to heal and bring in a positive light to the world! We all can be the change the world needs!
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